Post Tenebras Lux
After Darkness, Light

Hi there, my name is Kristof and I am the owner and operator of PTL Fitness. In 2019 my health was at it’s lowest. I was nearing 300lbs and it was getting more difficult to be the person I wanted to be. As a husband and a father, I wanted to be healthy and move well for my family. As a Youth Pastor, I wanted to be my best for my students, and set an example worth striving towards. I felt like I was failing.

In October of 2019 I decided enough was enough, and began to build a foundation of disciplines that would change my life. Over the course of the next year, I lost over 100lbs, and regained my physical and mental health.

After experiencing this change, I knew I wanted to help others. I began coaching sports and condition at a local high school, and eventually got my CrossFit L1 and L2 to start coaching others in their fitness journey.

I’m on a mission to changes lives in Marinette and Menominee through the work of fitness. CrossFit has helped me become physically fitter, mentally healthier, and emotionally stronger. I want others in our community to experience the same change.

From darkness to light.

Out of darkness, light.

Post tenebras lux.